boond boond lafz bandh rahe hai

boond boond lafz bandh rahe hai


A Bitter Pill to swallow

To say that blog is a good way of venting all the frustrations of life to everybody or rather nobody in particular wont be wrong. Everybody sees it and at the same time nobody is concernced per say. If what you wrote is likeable, u might find a comment or nothing... Both acceptable for me! The patience that is needed for writing a blog or doing anything has been missing from me since quite a few days. Dealing with health problems is something i have done since childhood (dont ask how many years). So i dealt with health problems in childhood and i still deal with them. But i see a change, not just in the problems but also the way I used to handle it.

To say that i had a happy childhood wont be wrong (coz i kept my self happy, not concerned that i couldnt play with the other kids of the colony) I kept myself busy in my cute little world of books and dint really need anybody else to tell anything. I spoke to the whole house, the utensils heard me, the plants heard me, my mom and sis and everybody heard me.....So it was wonderful... I still dont play or hav a 'typical' youngtsrs lifestyle. Do i mind now? Not really or may be yes...i do mind..I 'try and stay happy' with my life. I dont speak to my house or my mom or my sis the way i did. Even the books dont hear me nowadays.. Am way too busy dealing with my health problems..after all am a grown up! i need to deal with my problems on my own!!

I often wonder, why has my patience level vaporised, why cant i have the same mental strength to deal with problems, why do i get frustrated with situations, why do i want to run away from it all! nothing much has changed afterall! then why have i changed??? Does education, maturity, adulthood really make you a stronger person? I doubt nowadays! The system just makes you weaker, plays on your insecurities and vunerable. I need to find an answer! somwhere, i need to awaken the child within me...somehow! atleast ill be happy!!!!!!


कुश said...

sai the brave girl
i know you will defeat all the challenges coz u have power to do it. we all are here for u.. dont feel alone.. and dont forget that friends are forever .. all the best

Debonair Dabbu said...

Finding the child within you can be or rather is a very good thing to be happy.

This is cliche'd but have to say here.. that happiness does not come from outside but within yourself.

So just keep smiling & world will smile with you...

डॉ .अनुराग said...

हमारी सोच हमे मजबूत ओर कमजोर बनती है ,बचपन मे एक ऐसे russian पायलट की आत्मकथा पढी थी जो अपने दोनों पाँव किसी दुर्घटना मे खो देता है ,हौसला छोड़ देता है .....मौत से लड़ता है फ़िर एक अस्पताल मे उसे कुछ ऐसे लोग मिलते है जो उसके हौसलों को बैसाखी देते है.....बाद मे वो पायलट क्रतिम पांवों से न केवल जहाज उडाता है.बल्कि एक शोर्य चक्र भी प्राप्त करता है......ये एक सच्ची कहानी थी ...