To say that i am going to make any sense in this sheer nonsense. When this world is going crazy itself, why should i try and make sense and fit this big infinite, never ending jigsaw puzzle called society, world or whatever. Whatever i do there will be always atleast 1 piece missing. Everybody agrees with me! C'est Pas Possible! (someone might object to me using French in an English blog. U Just Never know) So what was i going to say, YEsss that me making sense is impossible. Its a small world out here, atleast Baroda is a small place. Bumping into acquantainces is a very common phenomenon. So when i bumped into ..rather was tagged along with my sister to meet a guy who left our school in 6th std never to be seen again, i said yes (as if i wudnt have been taken along if i had said no!) Meeting up at Barista (one of the 3 coffee houses in city/town (confusion mein confusion therefore a bracket inside a bracket) ) i saw a gal best to be avoided, my friend met a client in her ex-office again best to be avoided and my sister met a person not to be avoided in any circumstance (see! bumping into people again!) All in all it was a nice time to say so.
I was actually searching for some poetry written earlier so that you the reader feels, this girl is serious about blogging (its serious business now!) but Quel Dommage! that poem got lost in the heaps of gmail (archiving is not funny anymore according to me!) So again instead of a poem an attempt of an article is being made so that, i keep posting regularly and if somebody reads this blog, its not as empty as a football ground (arent many left even in the dead city i live in) Apart from Barista and food, another interesting thing that took place was while going back home (at 11 pm) on 2 wheeler, a smart alec tried some antics and i learnt that i had learnt the art of shooing away pesky creatures (i refuse to call them men or boy or even guys ) for which i was congratulated by my brethen. So all in all it was an interesting way to end the day.
I even thought of putting down the serious discussion i had with a chat friend about how aimless everybodys lives are. But then, was feeling too lazy to think and write (cant copy paste the chat na!) so bola...jaane do..procastination..lage raho! laziness..jame raho!
I promise absolutely promise my next blog shall be somethning worth reading for the reader like poetry or something which makes sense! Till then Adios..Au Revoir..Ta tah..namaste..bbye..blah blah..
boond boond lafz bandh rahe hai

me and sense..dont make sense!
Posted by Saee_K at Friday, April 11, 2008
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keep flowing...saee
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