I joined this PG program SIMC..in the summer of 2005. Dint have much clue how it was to be..dint say so to parents (they would have been happier me doing an MA nd a Phd..blah blah).
So..6th June 2005 Orientation, huge hall..only 1 person Nimisha..i knw...(we graduated from same coll). I meet the troika of Manoj, Abhishek (dada) and Ashutosh. Its ho hum till lunch break. My mom gets bored and leaves. Then the schedule..hits...and how! no sundays..slogging..phehw..and some more slogging! So me is like "ohkay..so this is how it is..then lets take it on"! the hostel, meeting Nazi (who is nw married btw), Naina, Anugya (my hostel buddies) Fun...
Life was hell, life was frustration, life was fun! 100 people in 1 classroom, what do you expect..it has to be (if you observe like me :-) ) somebody has a fight..sm people become buddies to break up in sometime..whatever..two sems..the best time i had..the internships...tension..tension tension..nobody wants me :-( I get one eventually...and it ..ahem...not the dream one...still...the best time at Mumbai..thanks to Mansi, Renu, Tanvi, Rumit Praful, nazi, Yogesh...muuvah! miss those days...
A quick operation...which takes everybody by surprise..and..missing the 3rd sem, coming back to coll to see..virtually nothing has changed execpt the placement co-ordinator..now its Bhavin instead of Mansi :D..so dint miss much!!!! jst discover..i mattered a lot to my class..the most helpful bunch..ever seen.. Fight..to get my right..to graduate with my class..Try and study (its hard u see)...exams, projects...placements..and phoosh! its 31st March..last day of the coll..cant say am sad to leave my home or am happy to escape the hell. Work..new place new peoople..its fun...but nothing matches..SIMC..
Love all my batchmates...thanks guys..if any body reads this :D
boond boond lafz bandh rahe hai

My 'summer of 69'!
Posted by Saee_K at Friday, April 25, 2008
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ज़िंदगी के कुछ पल हम कभी नही भूल पाते.. और ज़िंदगी हमेशा ऐसे पल देती रहती है.. आगे और आने वाले है... शायद आज शाम या फिर कल सुबह..
यूही मुस्कुराती रहो सई
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