Not well, down with a throat infection.An unwanted (or very much wanted!!!) break of 1 full day!
not feeling sleepy, so again jotting down some random thoughts that keep on popping up while i keep popping my pills (list of medicines is endless at my end ..but no issues :D)
Thought no 1
Kab tak..till when will i drag on in my office. I like my work, its umm...interesting but its not i would like to do my whole life!!!! need to be a freee bird!! This thought is getting stronger day by day..but dont have time to take action on it.What, How, When to go about it no idea..nobody to
but have to do something..back to a full circle
Thought no 2
Marriage..marriage...marriage...this is the chant that goes on in my house nowadays.Though i dont have any problems with bureaus, sites nd stuff but..pata nahi..the idea of wearing a saree, serving chai to someone me creeps!!!! just reminds me..that i have been put up in the marriage market where everybody takes a look at each other..achha laga..rakh lo..otherwise REJECTED! always wonder..why dint i ever fall in love and have a love marriage so that itna jhanjhat hi nahi hota (love marriages ke bhi jhanjhant hote hai i know!)
Thought no 3
This thought has its root in the marriage thingie only..i always wonder whether i have a heart or not.I mean since the time i grew up, all i remember is loss of feelings (those cute ones u see) or rejecting guys for not much of reason.If ever i have had a 'relationship' it hasnt lasted beyond 4 months (no exagerations!) Been called stone hearted, cold hearted everything..and i agree with it too. Its just doesnt make a difference to me!!!!!..anyways...this one..can go on and on and on...
Thought no 4
I have fallen sick after a long period of time (touch wood). All the childhood memories of bad health are paying a visit in dreams nowadays..i see whatever has happened as a 3rd person watching a film..wonder how is that possible ..but thats whats happening!!!! i wish somebody could explain me..whats this phenomenon called..
okay..its almost 11:30 pm..and since i have office tomorrow...Bon nuit! Shab-a-Khair..Goodnight!
boond boond lafz bandh rahe hai

Random Thoughts
Posted by Saee_K at Tuesday, June 10, 2008 11 comments
The month that was....
Got some free time after a long period of time.Even the holidays were hectic (whatever happend to the iydllyic pace of life)So..have got time because a software in office has been closed for maintanence!. Thought lets jot down the past month that went by.
1 and 2 week of May
Hectic schedules (everybody has them..ull say temme something new!!!)
Tried contacting a few agencies for freelance content writing/copywriting (fulfil my creativity ..hah!)
Disagreements with colleague over a minor but vital issue
Height of fright, a small off cut short to visit Apollo Chennai
3 week of may
half week trying to balance out work and packing while assuring mom that am
absolutely fine. 4 days kill me ..well almost...
2nd half
my vac..yippie..umm..yea..if u take out the travelling bit..
i mean..baroda to Hyderabad..evn by flight, is not near :D
reaching friend's place at last phew!
nice place...umm not bad. Mazaa aa gaya...
friday..spent taking rest (also can be categorised as slothing!)
evning venturing out to buy stuff (turns out to be expensive..nevertheless i buy!)
Saturday..see the Hussain sagar an empty eat street (i hate crowds btw)
watching Jannat (not a bad movie..except for the script :D) then again venturing
out for sometime..just watching the malls and the lazy culture of Hyderabad (it is literally 'aaram se' culture) evening spent in watching Tv and reading books (our idea of relaxation guys!)
Sunday time to leave and we finally go to see the scenic, historic places of Hyderabad (mom is happy for sure!)
Hop and skip over to Chennai..
two days at apollo (no mood to describe the hospital visit)
4th week of may
came as fast as it went..before i could was sunday..and 1st june,
i complete 1 year of work ex at 1 place only (big thing me!)
lot of new developments at home..except my freelancing bit..
still struggling..but its ok...lets see....
satisfactory mahina..cant say...action packed mahina...100%
lets see what june has in store for me (but if i can guess the trailor, this movie is going to be a hell of a roller coaster
Posted by Saee_K at Tuesday, June 03, 2008 2 comments
बेनाम नzम
संजीदा से लम्हे और मिसरी सी यादें
आँसू सा कोहरा और तन्हाई सी वादी
छुप गयी रात वही...
चाँद के पीछे पीछे...
जुस्तजु किसी साये की..
बस एक ख्वाहिश ही रही...
भटकते है इस वादी में
मिसरी को लिए ...लम्हो को थामे
की अब कोई ख्वाहिश ना रही..
जो छुप गयी है रात..
चाँद के पीछे पीछे...
Posted by Saee_K at Sunday, May 11, 2008 14 comments
कुछ फ़ासले
कभी तुम कहा करती थी
आज हमें भी यू लगता है
फ़ासले अच्छे होते है
तब हमें ठेस लगती थी
आज तुम्हे दर्द होता है
यू फ़ासले जो बढ़ते है
तब सुईयाँ तेज़ भागती थी
अब घड़ी ही बंद रहती है
वक़्त के भी फ़ासले होते है
डोर कभी जो बँध रही थी
गाँठ वही अब खुल रही है
साँसों मे भी फ़ासले होते है
कल मेरी जो परच्छाई थी
आज वही लगती पराई है
रूह ने जिस्म से फ़ासले किए है
Posted by Saee_K at Thursday, May 08, 2008 5 comments
वक्त उधार चाहिए
साँसों को चलने की आदत हो चुकी है
हमसे जीने की आदत डाली नही जाती
कुछ दिन पहले एक दोस्त से बात हो रही थी. हम बात कर रहे थे वक़्त की कमी का. कैसे आजकल वक़्त कम पड़ता है हर चीज़ के लिए, फिर वो दोस्त हो , घर वाले हो या खुद के लिए ही सही बस वक़्त नही मिलता.मैने बात करते हुए पूछा क्या अपने २४ घंटो में से कुछ ४ घंटे उधार दोगे. वक़्त रहते लौटा दूँगी. उसने कहा बिल्कुल लो. ४ क्यू ६ घंटे ले लो. मैने माना करते हुए कहा मैं ६ घंटे लौटा नही पौउनगी. यह कोई मज़ाक नही हो रहा था. हम एक सीरीयस कॉन्वर्सेशन कर रहे थे. एक मशीन की तरह चलते रहते है इंसान है है हम कभी कभी याद दिलाना पड़ता है खुदको.यू कभी कभी कुछ लिख कर एहसास ज़िंदा रखते है.हमारे दोस्त टाइम मॅनेज्मेंट बखुबी करते है सो इस विषय पर उनसे बात करकरना मुश्किल हो जाता है. कैसे पुर व्यस्त दिन में वो दोस्तों से मिलना, लिखना, और शायरी भी बखुबी भी कर लेते है.उनसे प्रेरित हो हम भी टाइम मॅनेज्मेंट करने की सोचते है बस आज की कल पे टाल कल की परसो पर टालते है.बहुत थके होते हैं ना (दिल को खुश रखने को 'घालिब' यह ख़याल अच्छा है) कितना भी कह ले दलीले कर ले एक बात सच्ची है कही ना कही हम करना ही नही चाहते वक़्त को समेत कर उसके मालिक बने.वक़्त की क़ैद में ज़िंदगी रखते ही उसके मत्थे दोष मढ़ने की आज़ादी मिल जाते है.सो हमारे दोस्त को भी पता है और हमें भी पता है की हम जैसे है वैसे ही रहेंगे क्यूंकी हम बदलने की कोई मनसा ही नही रखते. क्यूंकी ऐसा कुछ हुआ तो ऐसे आर्टिकल लिखने को मिलेंगे कहा.सो कमसे कम अर्तिक्ले लिखने वास्ते ही सही अभी टाइम मनागेमेंट का प्लान ड्राप कर दिया गया है।
Posted by Saee_K at Wednesday, April 30, 2008 3 comments
My 'summer of 69'!
I joined this PG program the summer of 2005. Dint have much clue how it was to be..dint say so to parents (they would have been happier me doing an MA nd a Phd..blah blah).
So..6th June 2005 Orientation, huge hall..only 1 person Nimisha..i knw...(we graduated from same coll). I meet the troika of Manoj, Abhishek (dada) and Ashutosh. Its ho hum till lunch break. My mom gets bored and leaves. Then the schedule..hits...and how! no sundays..slogging..phehw..and some more slogging! So me is like " this is how it is..then lets take it on"! the hostel, meeting Nazi (who is nw married btw), Naina, Anugya (my hostel buddies) Fun...
Life was hell, life was frustration, life was fun! 100 people in 1 classroom, what do you has to be (if you observe like me :-) ) somebody has a people become buddies to break up in sometime..whatever..two sems..the best time i had..the internships...tension..tension tension..nobody wants me :-( I get one eventually...and it ..ahem...not the dream one...still...the best time at Mumbai..thanks to Mansi, Renu, Tanvi, Rumit Praful, nazi, Yogesh...muuvah! miss those days...
A quick operation...which takes everybody by surprise..and..missing the 3rd sem, coming back to coll to see..virtually nothing has changed execpt the placement its Bhavin instead of Mansi dint miss much!!!! jst discover..i mattered a lot to my class..the most helpful bunch..ever seen.. get my graduate with my class..Try and study (its hard u see)...exams, projects...placements..and phoosh! its 31st March..last day of the coll..cant say am sad to leave my home or am happy to escape the hell. place new peoople..its fun...but nothing matches..SIMC..
Love all my batchmates...thanks guys..if any body reads this :D
Posted by Saee_K at Friday, April 25, 2008 1 comments
यादगार बेतुके पल !
आज झगड़ा हो गया... अर्रे फूल टू ....या इस पार या उस पार.... आई मीन ...या तो वो सच कह रही थी या मैं ....वैसे झगड़ा मुझे पसंद नही और मैं झगड़ालु तो बिल्कुल ही नही हू...(जो लोग जानते है..विल वाउच फॉर मी) पर क्या करें झगड़ा करना पडा ..यार टोपी का सवाल था..... टोपी यानी पगड़ी यानी इज़्ज़त....(हिन्दी फिल्मों के हिसाब से... था ..ब्रह्मवाच्य)
सो कहा थे हम ... हा झगड़ा... हम खड़े थे..बात करते हुए... मैने कुछ सब्ज़ियों पर शुरू किया (वही ..करेला यक्कककक ...भिंडी ...ओके)...मेरी दोस्त उसे आगे ले गयी ....लोग कौनसी सब्ज़ी को रिज़ेमबल करते है! यह लेडी ..बिल्कुल लेडिफ़िंगर (अपनी भिंडी!) बिकॉज़ शी वाज़ अ टॉल, थिन लेडी विथ अ पायंटेड नोस!!!! अनदर जेंटल्मन रिज़ेंबल्ड ब्रिंजल, एग प्लांट अका बैंगन... हा वही थाली वाला . ..जी तो वो जेंटल्मन इसलिए रिज़ेमबल करते है क्योंकि ...बड़ा सा पेट उनका ..और ब्लू कलर की शर्ट ....तेल लगाए हुए बाल....यह सब तो ठीक है...यह तक तो ठीक है... मैने कह दिय..यार तू मुझे टमाटर जैसी लगती है..बस.. मेडम के गाल सच में टमाटर टमाटर हो गये (शरम के मारे नहि...रोने के मारे) यस वो रोने लगी... तुमने मुझे नही मेरी दादी को टमाटर कहा...(वो कैसे आजतक नही समझी!!) ...और मेरे रेनकोट की टोपी खींच के भाग गयी .... मैने बोला अर्रे ....ऐसे कैसे... मेरी बहन और दोस्त को बुलय....दोनो ने मेरा काम कर दिया टोपी ले आए (वो कैसे लाए .. एक और अलग किस्सा है!!!) फ्यू फाइनली इज़्ज़त बचा के हम चल दिए घर...
जगह..: बड़ोदा हाइ स्कूल
तारीख..: सेप्टेमबेर १९९५
मुझे लगता है की यह एक बेतुका था...इस्से ज़्यादा बेतुके झगडो को शेयर करने के लिए हम आप सभी तो आमंत्रित करते है... टिल देन...
झगड़ते रहे...
आई मीन लिखते रहे॥
Posted by Saee_K at Thursday, April 24, 2008 3 comments
A Bitter Pill to swallow
To say that blog is a good way of venting all the frustrations of life to everybody or rather nobody in particular wont be wrong. Everybody sees it and at the same time nobody is concernced per say. If what you wrote is likeable, u might find a comment or nothing... Both acceptable for me! The patience that is needed for writing a blog or doing anything has been missing from me since quite a few days. Dealing with health problems is something i have done since childhood (dont ask how many years). So i dealt with health problems in childhood and i still deal with them. But i see a change, not just in the problems but also the way I used to handle it.
To say that i had a happy childhood wont be wrong (coz i kept my self happy, not concerned that i couldnt play with the other kids of the colony) I kept myself busy in my cute little world of books and dint really need anybody else to tell anything. I spoke to the whole house, the utensils heard me, the plants heard me, my mom and sis and everybody heard me.....So it was wonderful... I still dont play or hav a 'typical' youngtsrs lifestyle. Do i mind now? Not really or may be yes...i do mind..I 'try and stay happy' with my life. I dont speak to my house or my mom or my sis the way i did. Even the books dont hear me nowadays.. Am way too busy dealing with my health problems..after all am a grown up! i need to deal with my problems on my own!!
I often wonder, why has my patience level vaporised, why cant i have the same mental strength to deal with problems, why do i get frustrated with situations, why do i want to run away from it all! nothing much has changed afterall! then why have i changed??? Does education, maturity, adulthood really make you a stronger person? I doubt nowadays! The system just makes you weaker, plays on your insecurities and vunerable. I need to find an answer! somwhere, i need to awaken the child within me...somehow! atleast ill be happy!!!!!!
Posted by Saee_K at Monday, April 14, 2008 3 comments
Labels: to be posted
me and sense..dont make sense!
To say that i am going to make any sense in this sheer nonsense. When this world is going crazy itself, why should i try and make sense and fit this big infinite, never ending jigsaw puzzle called society, world or whatever. Whatever i do there will be always atleast 1 piece missing. Everybody agrees with me! C'est Pas Possible! (someone might object to me using French in an English blog. U Just Never know) So what was i going to say, YEsss that me making sense is impossible. Its a small world out here, atleast Baroda is a small place. Bumping into acquantainces is a very common phenomenon. So when i bumped into ..rather was tagged along with my sister to meet a guy who left our school in 6th std never to be seen again, i said yes (as if i wudnt have been taken along if i had said no!) Meeting up at Barista (one of the 3 coffee houses in city/town (confusion mein confusion therefore a bracket inside a bracket) ) i saw a gal best to be avoided, my friend met a client in her ex-office again best to be avoided and my sister met a person not to be avoided in any circumstance (see! bumping into people again!) All in all it was a nice time to say so.
I was actually searching for some poetry written earlier so that you the reader feels, this girl is serious about blogging (its serious business now!) but Quel Dommage! that poem got lost in the heaps of gmail (archiving is not funny anymore according to me!) So again instead of a poem an attempt of an article is being made so that, i keep posting regularly and if somebody reads this blog, its not as empty as a football ground (arent many left even in the dead city i live in) Apart from Barista and food, another interesting thing that took place was while going back home (at 11 pm) on 2 wheeler, a smart alec tried some antics and i learnt that i had learnt the art of shooing away pesky creatures (i refuse to call them men or boy or even guys ) for which i was congratulated by my brethen. So all in all it was an interesting way to end the day.
I even thought of putting down the serious discussion i had with a chat friend about how aimless everybodys lives are. But then, was feeling too lazy to think and write (cant copy paste the chat na!) so bola...jaane do..procastination..lage raho! laziness..jame raho!
I promise absolutely promise my next blog shall be somethning worth reading for the reader like poetry or something which makes sense! Till then Adios..Au Revoir..Ta tah..namaste..bbye..blah blah..
Posted by Saee_K at Friday, April 11, 2008 1 comments
एक छोटा सा वकिया
Posted by Saee_K at Thursday, April 10, 2008 2 comments